Core Investment Lessons which investors should not ignore.
Need / Goal based financial planning: Investment into various investment products just for the appreciation/return given by the product or expected is not the right way to look at investing. Investors should always make a financial plan before they invest based on their needs and goals. They should understand their need, goal, risk appetite, time horizon and product details and then invest. This can only be achieved by proper financial planning. Asset allocation: Asset allocation is the key and investors should never ignore the basic principles of it. They should always be properly invested in various asset classes depending on their risk profile and time horizon. Proper Review and rebalance: Investors should keep a time table, ideally once in every quarter, to review the portfolio of various asset classes where they had invested. When the needs, risk profile and goal’s change due to various reasons then is the time we should go back to the portfolio made and do a proper review and ...