Real estate prices in India face slowdown
Real estate price in India is stabilizing and is facing steady slowdown especially in the metros. I have taken Bangalore as an example in this blog but other places too are affected by similar concerns. In Bangalore the real estate price is going crazy, though none of the real estate agencies would like to agree to this fact. Property prices moves due to the basic principle of Demand & Supply When demand is high & supply low prices will go up When demand is low & supply is high prices will come down For example let’s assume that somebody has bought a property for Rs X and he is trying to sell the property (say after a year), there can be three options, assumption being that the owner is in need of money and cannot wait for more than 3 months to sell the property. When the property prices are zooming everywhere> Here the owner will try to add as much premium to the property as possible, wait for three months and sell off in the last month at the highest bid ( RsX + RsY) W...